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Internship projects have included working with eco friendly or certified Green hotels where students were given room and board at the hotel, worked on environmental projects for the hotel and worked with the OGCA farms, who in turn provided food for the hotel.
Internship programmes
For more than 10 years the OGCA has been able to offer internship opportunities for mainly university students from Oxford University in the UK, to University of Toronto in Canada and for the last 8 years McGill University also in Canada. The students pictured below from Mcgills, put together the template for this website and interviewed the farmers while taking part in workshops on permaculture design and regeneration.
In one project 2 groups of Mcgill interns worked on the establishment and development of a seedling nursery project for the disabled at 10 different homes across the islands. The interns help set up the units, produced manuals on seedling production, produced presentations for the OGCA and promoted the project on local radio and TV.
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